Kay has lived in Needham Market for twenty-four years and served as a Town Councillor for fifteen years, on three occasions very proudly as Town Mayor. She was elected to the County Council in October 2018 and currently serves on the Scrutiny Committee. As she works locally part-time, Kay has the time to be committed to helping the residents of the area.
Kay is very community minded serving as a Trustee of several charities, one of which is the Needham Market & District Family Carers group, which offers help and support to those caring for loved ones. My involvement with the Theobald’s Endowed Foundation involves awarding financial grants to young adults living in Needham Market and Barking who are embarking on further education.
Kay’s main priorities are:
- Ensuring the sustainability of local services, which are of paramount importance to the villages in the division and equally supporting the many and varied businesses in Needham Market’s High Street.
- Work with our partners to ensure that we have access to vital health services as we have an aging population with complex health needs.
- Improving road safety and the state of rural roads.
- Fighting for better facilities for our young people.
Kay's Suffolk County Council Division of Bosmere spans two Parliamentary Constituencies. The Parishes of Barking, Battisford, Great Bricett, Offton, Ringshall and Willisham are within the Mid Suffolk Ward of Battiford & Ringshall, and sits within the Central Suffolk & North Ipswich Constituency. Kay's other Parishes sit within Bury St. Edmunds & Stowmarket Constituency.
Kay can be contacted on kay.oakes@suffolk.gov.uk or on 01449 721497 / 07724 700695.